Solar panels are becoming an increasingly attractive option for many homeowners in the UK.
This is because solar panels are environmentally friendly, are a cost-effective solution to
energy consumption in the home, can offer a secure return on investment, and require little
Solar panels use photovoltaic cells to harness the suns energy and convert it into electricity.
Although it may appear that installing solar panels in the UK may not be that effective due
to our distinct lack of sun, if solar panels are used efficiently, the average home could
generate 50-60% of the power needed to supply its electricity through solar electricity.
Here at Innov8 Energy we supply and install only the best Solar Panels, Inverters and
Battery Storage systems. Below you will find all the information on the solar products we
Perlight solar panels are produced in a highly-automated facility to strict quality control
standards, and are a well-known brand in the industry.
The latest generation of Perlight's ever-popular Delta range offers a totally all-black
appearance through the use of ribbon busbar technology. Coupled with a high density
layout leading to increased cell surface area, the modules also delivers a 21.3% efficiency in
a small footprint, outperforming many conventional half-cell technology modules in
shaded conditions and at lower temperatures.

Huawei Inverters
Huawei is a global leader in the inverter market, with over 90GW of inverter capacity shipped
between 2015 and 2019 - the highest capacity shipped worldwide. They cover residential to utility
level inverters which, combined with the large capacity sold, gives them a broad experience to draw
from to create the highest quality products.
All Huawei inverters have over 98% peak and EU efficiencies, a minimum of IP65 protection
rating, a minimum of 4 MPPT trackers per unit, and in-built safety features.
Huawei has developed a user friendly Smart Design tool to help customers in designing and
optimising PV Projects in Residential as well as C&I segments, utilising the Huawei product range.
Huawei have brought their 30 years of expertise in digital information technology to the world of
battery storage! Their modular LUNA system combines an all-in-one look with a modular system
build from 5kWh units.
Huawei's systems are compatible with their optimisers, carry a 10-year warranty, as well as 100%
depth of discharge. They also offer a superb app, with a level of user interface that you'd expect
from a consumer tech giant.